An insightful journey

It was an interesting, reflective and insightful journey right from choosing the topic till the development of the web based resource. It provided me with an opportunity to explore the health promotion dominion in detail. I was able to develop an understanding of the history of health promotion as a field, development of various theoretical perspectives and models and to explore an interesting range of opinions of different key authors in this area.

The requirement to choose theoretical models to design a hypothetical intervention was a challenging task. However, with challenges comes learning and vision and I believe Public health is indeed a challenging domain and requires deep understanding of issues, logical reasoning and leadership.

In addition, the idea of developing a web based resource for health promotion is a contemporary concept and health promotion practitioners should be armed with web based skills and tools to counter any “online” ill health behaviours and concepts, as well as to promote health to a global online community.

Further developments

I believe social media initiatives open a whole new turf for health practitioners. It is a dynamic medium for health communication and provides opportunity to virtually access the “hard to reach” groups and target the upcoming “iOS and Andriod driven generation”. Following innovative methods can be developed for further health promotion activities:

  • Interactive websites with rich media use and 3D animations to deliver specific messages
  • Penetrating the social networking websites with information rich videos and images
  • Developing health related “apps” for Apple and Android platforms

This is not an exhaustive list. It is an area that needs to be explored and properly utilised in extensive detail for health promotion activities.